Archive for July, 2009


Name this piece of public art

Can ya? Looks just like a bus, doesn’t it?

Between a tree and a sharp place.

Between a tree and a sharp place.

Head to head.

Head to head.

Tag your man.

Tag your man.


There’s a “south end?”

This is the South End. It's been here all along.

This is the South End. It's been here all along.

Big ups to Nina Shapiro over at the Seattle Weekly for daylighting an issue that’s been popping up a ton since Sound Transit opened Central Link a short two weeks ago – albeit with a slightly different take. The issue? The glowing intra-city tourism that has descended into Rainier Valley and, to a lesser degree, Beacon Hill.

Yes, it’s true. The amount of guides instructing new light rail riders on the intricacies of neighborhoods that comprise roughly a quarter of the city is both telling and paining.

In the telling department: that so many people in Seattle and the region, and many (most?) of our major media outlets act as if they’ve never heard of the South End before. To think that such a large portion of the city has gone about its everyday existence without seeing, knowing, living in, or even acknowledging the South End is, to say the least, staggering.

And in the paining department: if you’ve ever doubted that the poorer, less influential areas of the City, the region and the state are overlooked by popular media, let this be a lesson. Equality and justice are not just words – they require actions and knowledge on the part of both the populace and the government.

And yes, there’s a direct and immediate effect. The Pew Charitable Trust just released a study on upward mobility, economic stability, and the impact neighborhoods have. It matters. A lot. And it’s not a tourist trip.

Sigh. Rant over.


Le Truck

There are lots of perks to co-sponsoring events like the Capitol Hill Block Party. Not only do we get to spend two days talking to hundreds (thousands) of our favorite people, but we feel sort of like proud aunts and uncles when we see videos like this and the They Live video below.

The breakdown: performances by artists we support, at a festival we co-sponsored, in a space where we held the 2008 Trick or Vote afterparty, and with people who we support and who support us back. It’s a win, and when the final outcome includes music by Truckasaurus, one of our favorite groups, you know you’re hitting an apex. Enjoy.


weed murder

Weed Murder. Neither weed, nor murder. Discuss. Actually, that might be an area for the 75% of City Council candidates who said that they had indeed smoked in their lives. Regardless, enjoy this ditty by They Live, two of Seattle’s finest.

H/T to NDRWMTSN for the look.


walk it out

Parisian pedestrian way, photo by Ashley DeForest

Parisian pedestrian way, photo by Ashley DeForest

How does, “Seattle, the nation’s most walkable city” sound? Awesome huh? The Seattle Pedestrian Master plan can turn that dream into a reality. By expanding the sidewalk lengths and implementing limits for cars: vehicles will be taken off the street and in turn, will result in a greener city, pedestrian safety, and because it encourages commuters to walk: a healthier Seattle. I’m detecting large quantities of WIN.

Kudos to the Northwest Hub for spreading the word. The communities of Washington state are constantly concerned about the future right? To prepare for the future, check out this website: for updates about the built environment we reside in.



Isn't this the life?

Isn't this the life?

With the population density of our cities rising, a lot of developments have been structured and expansion has increased. Land to expand outwards is scarce. The solution? Go up, or rather “live” up, literally; the sky is our limits. Two renegades have turned their heads on the norms of residency and have decided to go vertical. Life on a side of a building isn’t extravagant, but hey, its a living.


Pictures from Candidate Survivor!

Wow. Candidate Survivor was a huge, smashing, undeniable and awesome success. Thank you to the Recording Academy, the Stranger, the Showbox and the mighty DJ Sabzi for coming together for a memorable night of insight, fun and politics as it was meant to be – interactive.

Volunteers: you rule. Everyone who came: you ruled the day with your votes. And to each every young person who went bananas in the crowd all night long: that was for you. You own your city.

Congratulations to our Candidate Survivors: Sally Bagshaw, Jessie Israel and Dorsol Plants – you guys made it through the harrowing evening and emerged the champs!

And now, without further adieu, the first round of pictures from Candidate Survivor:

The crowd begins to gather...

The crowd begins to gather...

The crowd CONTINUES to gather...

The crowd CONTINUES to gather...

The room begins to fill.

The room begins to fill.

Mayoral candidates playing HORSE to warm up the crowd.

Mayoral candidates playing HORSE to warm up the crowd.

Sabzilla on the wheels.

Sabzilla on the wheels.

The candidates enter. Yes, there is a smoke machine.

The candidates enter. Yes, there is a smoke machine.



Posse in effect.

Posse in effect.

The panelists question the quality of the haikus.

The panelists question the quality of the haikus.

Cross the Line.

Cross the Line.

Ten second dance party. There were a couple of these.

Ten second dance party. There were a couple of these.

Talent show time - David Miller makes two minute fudge.

Talent show time - David Miller makes two minute fudge.


Candidate Survivor today!

It is on.

The guestlist is closed. The candidates have their talents practiced and ready to roll. The air-conditioning is cranking. And yes, there are otter pops.

It can only be Candidate Survivor. We’ll see you at the Showbox.



let our voices be heard!

Media consolidation…a barrier between freedom of expression and society; a concept that only fosters ignorance and fuels one track minds.

Check out this video produced by youth activists!

Powerhouse companies have monopolized the media, limiting control over what is on TV, the radio, the internet, newspapers, magazines, etc. As a “media driven society”, it is the responsibility of our society as an audience to fight for democracy within the system and let our ideas be known so we can break down the stereotypes which hinder us from unity. Luckily, our friends Reel Grrls are progressing towards a diverse media…


Cap Hill Block Party!

It’s always a good time when the Capitol Hill Block Party rolls around. The Bus was out in force again, administering very difficult pop quizzes, and handing out popsicles to the sweltering crowd (yes, it was the hot hot heat).

Check out the pictures below, and see you next year!


Pop quiz!

Pop quiz!

Doing the VoteBot.

VoteBot likes your art.

VoteBot is your friend.

VoteBot is your friend.

VoteBot thinks you deserve a hug.

VoteBot thinks you deserve a hug.

Block Party like woah.

Block Party like woah.

More after the jump!

Continue reading ‘Cap Hill Block Party!’