Archive for September, 2009


Grab a drink, raise a fund

Tomorrow evening (that would be Thursday, according to our trusy calendar), there’s a fundraiser going down for Referendum 71 at local beverage-purveyor Purr (1518 11th Ave). You should be there, it’s a chance to put your money where your drink is and get connected with an awesome campaign. PLUS, you may be able to hear about some new Halloween goings-on…


And speaking of I-1033

The people spoke. And this is their favorite video. Boom!


Oh, it’s good

Loving the xx (the band, people). We first came across them when one of our associates sent out an xx remix of someone else’s remix of an xx song. Ergh? Yes, that’s right: they made a song, somebody else remixed it, and then the original group remixed the remix. It makes our head hurt. Luckily, their music is great for soothing out the headaches…

And yes, Andrew Matson, it was your post that prompted this. Thank ya.


No on 1033 at 10:33

After Colorado passed a measure nearly identical to Initiative 1033, the number of low-income children without health coverage doubled, even as other states were increasing making sure more kids had health care. No health care for low-income kids? That’s some crap.


No on 1033 at 10:33

Think I-1033 is a bad idea? So do we. And so do a lot of Washingtonians – especially when they know that the sponsor is Tim Eyman, a perennial figure in Washington politics. Just today, Eyman released a poll (via Publicola) showing I-1033 passing with 61% of the vote, but a previous poll shows support at just 51%. What accounts for that difference? Well, in large part it’s a low level of knowledge about the initiative and its impacts – the more folks know, generally, the less they support it. Also, as soon as folks hear Eyman’s name support drops a couple of pressure points.

The moral? Know thy initiative, and tell thy friends. Hell, tell them to check right here at 10:33 every morning – they’ll get all the facts they can handle.


And Because We Love The 90’s…

It’s a GIF!

create animated gif
Create animated gif


Parliament official

Peoples. It is going down. You heard it here first. The Washington Bus is extremely proud to be throwing a one of a kind event in just ten short days at the Vera Project. The event: Parliament, the best music our state has to offer and the opportunity for young people to vote on the Bus’s priorities for the 2010 legislative session.

On the music side: GMK and THEESatisfaction hold down the musical fort, plus special guests popping up when you least expect. On the politics side: you, yes you, will be able to vote on which issue areas the Bus should be focusing on when we’re down in Olympia.

Yes, it’s free. Yes, it’s all ages, and yes you’re invited.

Plus, we have two flyers for you. Which do you like better? Let us know in the comments.

There’s nothing else like this in Washington – we’ll see you there!


David Byrne: friend with benefits

No, I don't actually wear suits that big anymore. Thanks for asking, though.

And you may ask yourself... wait, are you seriously singing that still? I wrote that roughly 65 years ago. I've done other things since then. Seriously, people.

David Byrne, oh he of the Talking Heads, Powerpoint, and capital-a “Art” in general is gracing the fair burg of Seattle with his presence this evening. Awesome, yes? Yes. Unfortunately it’s all sold out already. Not awesome? Correct. EXCEPT. Due to forces above and beyond our control, the Bus has come into possession of one (1) single ticket to tonight’s performance, which is going down at Town Hall from 7:30 to 9.

And we want to give it to you. Yes, you.

Here’s the deal: the first person who signs up as a new Monthly Member (aka, a Friend With Benefits) and emails toby(at)washingtonbus(dot)org OR the first existing monthly member who emails toby(at)washingtonbus(dot)org  will win the ticket. It’s THAT SIMPLE. Want it? Let us know. We can make it happen.

Aaaaand go!


Gabe’s Picks – September 28

THEESatisfaction are a local hip hop/electro group who also happen to be performing at the Bus’s Parliament event on October 7th at the Vera Project.  THEE Sat combine old school rhymes with new school beats to create expansive, futuristic soundscapes.  Reminiscent of groups like Blackalicious, Cat and Stas are constantly changing their sound and journeying to new musical dimensions.

Magnetic Blackness w/ Champagne Champagne



No on 1033 at 10:33

When Colorado passed a similar law to I-1033, that state dropped from 29th to 48th in rank for prenatal care. That means less care for moms and babies! Boo.