Posts Tagged ‘Rap songs


R-52uesday! Saving Scrilla!

Last week I left ya’ll with the notion that turning saved energy into saved money, is perhaps an equally important outcome of the bad-ass-future-saving Referendum 52. Indeed for Aberdeen School District’s business manager, Tom Laufmann, saving cash through R-52 is his primary interest:

Philosophically, we should say it’s better for the planet.. But it’s about the money. We’re so short on money anyway, we don’t want to pay any more on utility bills than we have to.

Although we may be passionate going green, we always gotta remember the other green; keep the wise words of the Wu in mind (CREAM). This week I wanted to share some stories where energy-retrofits, just like the ones that will come with R-52, have helped schools save some dolla dolla bills, while cleaning up the environment at the same time.

Kiona-Benton School District

The district was not even thinking about energy retrofits until they spotted energy efficiency grants being dished out by the state. This inspired them to hire a company called Quantum to give their K-8 building the once-over. Quantum laid out what would be the most cost effective, and the state  bit into their suggestions like the juicy locally grown apple you gave your kindergarten teacher. Lighting, heating, and cooling systems were updated to be more modern and energy efficient. The cost? $380,000 total. This is important, because this sort of money is virtually impossible for local school districts to get their hands on (the district paid $150,000 in this case), which is why we need the force and funding of R52 to make it happen. We need not worry about R52 emptying the state’s wallet either, because repairing school buildings is expected to save the state $610,000 in new construction costs over 8 years, or more than $75,000/year on average. But back to the local – the Kiona-Benton school district will now be saving $20,000 annually, from repairing just one school building.

Burlington-Edison School District

In 2002 the district retrofitted lighting, water and ventilation systems at two schools and the district office building. The project cost $323,000, $278 thousand of which was paid by the district. Now the district is saving an estimated $35,500 each year. They’ll be counting stacks beyond their costs in only 8 years. And wait.. I think that means we’re using less energy too. Gettin’ paid to save the world… sounds kind of like working for the Bus.

Aberdeen School District

What about our buddy Mr. Laufman? How did he fare in his sustainable quest for cash-money? Well, retrofitting a school heater alone saves about $30,000 every freakin’ year. They also decided to switch out to more efficient lighting in the school gym. We are still waiting on numbers for energy savings, but students and faculty are already diggin it.


You don't even want to know what I can do with a trowel.

There you have it. Schools are already making it happen. Imagine what they could do with R-52 in place! Thanks for joining me for another Bustastic R-52uesday. I love having you all ❤

Shout out to the Sightline Institute for hooking up so much good info on the Referendum 52. The Bus will drive over soon for a many-handed-high-five. For those who haven’t checked them out yet, clickity clickity.

See the previous posts on R-52: Introduction, Kids Getting Smarter, Saving the Future


It was the 70s…

…and horrific things happened as the West German charts were conquered by the ghost of Ghengis Khan.

Wait, what?


Truckasauras brought the Sonics back!

This awesome and professional image comes you courtesy of Really Good Graphics Makers Inc. Co. Ltd.


Ok, we’re totally making that up. Sorry to get you excited like that.

But they are bringing two things back: Kevin Calabro and collaboration. How did they do it? Well, neither ever really went away, as this improbable combination shows. But what the Truck managed to do is something so genius only the best bootyshakermakers in Seattle (the three producers of Truckasauras) could think of it: they combined Kevin Calabro and collaboration into one name, Kevin Collabo.

Mind. Blown.

But seriously, folks, this show is going to be crazy good. Allow us to explain the concept: Truckasauras + 30 badass Seattle MCs* + you + Kevin Calabro (I can only hope) + Kevin Durant and the Supersonics (for which I no longer hope but instead have a deep dark pit of blackness due to the destruction of the aforementioned hope but have some residual, instinctive emotional response that may or may not, in the end, be some form of hope) at Neumo’s, tonight, at 8 pm.

So good God, people, get up for the downstroke at Neumo’s tonight!

*Those would include Spaceman, Geo, Khingz, and SK…

This is the Progressive Voter’s Guide.

Courtesy Amateur Hour Images and Photoediting Co. Ltd. Inc. Bros.


Do the math: This is a shark. This is a Progressive Voters’ Guide.

Also, vote.

This is a shark:

This is your Progressive Voters’ Guide.

This is a shark:

This is your Progressive Voters’ Guide.

This is a shark:

This is your Progressive Voters’ Guide.

Any questions?

And yes, you can download the classic NW hip hop compilation Do The Math here as well, to listen to while you fill out your primary ballot. Much respect  to Seattle legend Talksick.


Capitol Hill Bus Party: holy crap 2010

we got your back

Here’s the thing about the Capitol Hill Block Party: it freaking rules. Anytime you have thousands of young people coming together, amazing bands playing amazing music, and the Bus front and center with popsicles and pledge cards in hand, you know it’s going to be outrageous. And it was.

This year’s Block Party was ridiculously amazing! The Bus’s Summer Fellows were Pledge to Vote pros – getting just under 1,800 pledges to vote in three days! Add that to hundreds of voter registrations and thousands of new friends (we see you, homeslices), and you have what is surely one of the best weekends of the summer!

Huge thanks to Dave, Kerry, Steve, Victoria and the whole team for organizing this crazy thing, and to our friends Kia, Smokey, Steven, Quentin and more for making it hum. The Bus had a blast, and we’re super proud to be a part of this amazing community that is artistically vibrant and politically powerful! We’ll see you next year, Block Party – watch out now!

all smiles

true friendship

this is how we do it


this is my voter reg picture

Bus + Block Party = happiness

urgent message: sun's out, guns out

fred astaire, ladies and gentlemen

Vote for Bus

see youths! see youths block party! see youths pledge at block party!

VoteBots = Love

Voting fangirls

voting fanboys

hi! can i interest you in some democracy?

Bus = glamor


i mean, whatever. we're just taking it to the streets. no big deal.


three examples of Seattle's Finest

is your team undefeated? yes. because this is your team.


OMG! OMG! OMG! Block Party tomorrow

a picture of tomorrow night (from the future!?)

Capitol. Hill. Block. Party. Tomorrow. Which means lots of music. Insane, incredible amounts of incredible, insane music.

Oh, and winter will finally be over. (For reals please this time?)

So here are the shows you should go to that you might not have heard of- we here at Bus HQ have a supersecret Seattle hip-hop tracking machine and know exactly which Seattle crews are going to, in the words of Saint George Clinton, going to “blow the roof off that mother.

So here go the brief and reductive snippets of local hip-hop talent performing at Block Party this weekend:

Continue reading ‘OMG! OMG! OMG! Block Party tomorrow’


capitol countdown: three days…

Not that Capitol.

Guess what? Chicken Butt! We’re totally stoked on the Capitol Hill Block Party, just like you, if you hadn’t figured out by our ongoing Block Party coverage.

What’s the Bus going to be doing at Block Party? Great question. In fact: CAPITOL question, my dear Watson. We’ll be rocking out, obviously, to great beats from the likes of the Physics, THEESatisfaction and Shabazz Palaces, and we’re excited to be introducing some great candidates to the Block Party audience.

And that’s not all! We’re also going to be doing what we do best: making sure you have all the popsicles you need. No, really. Come find the Bus Summer Fellows (which will be easy, as we’re everywhere), where you can take a quiz, make a button or five, and walk away registered to vote, swag-rich, and 110% Bus.

Stop on by, and meet all your new friends. And your favorite voting robot, of course.


On a busy day in a busy week…

Vodpod videos no longer available.

…please enjoy this dancing bee mascot. And yes, it’s a medley, so you have to watch through the end to see the Single Ladies” version. (H/T Today’s Big Thing)


Gabe’s Picks: Last Seen at Parliament

Cat and Stas rocking the Vera Project at the first Parliament

Over the past year or so a phenomenon has hit the streets of Seattle.  That phenomenon is the sub-genre of hip hop music, “space hop”, that has invaded our airwaves.  The movement is led by Cat and Stas, better known as the incredible, genre-bending duo THEESatisfaction.  By some crazy coincidence, Cat and Stas happen to be performing at Capitol Hill Block Party on Saturday at 5:15 at Neumos. Another crazy coincidence, THEESat performed at the very first Parliament event and rocked it, so as a former Parliament organizer, I am forever indebted to them.  You can download some of their material over HERE at their Bandcamp page.  I would personally recommend Snow Motion.  It’s stayed in my rotation ever since its release which is no small feat.

Incredibly, THEESatisfaction is not the only Parliament alumni performing at Block Party.  Also on Saturday, you can check out State of the Artist at 7:45 at the Vera Stage as part of the hip hop showcase.  They perform alongside Grynch and Spaceman.  Check out these two groups.  Give them your love.  They definitely deserve it as some of the hardest working, most prolific talents in the region. Continue reading ‘Gabe’s Picks: Last Seen at Parliament’


OMG! The Physics!


The Physics are at it again, folks. Not only are they playing Block Party (OMG! OMG!) but they’re dropping free music. For free. That’s right- free music for free. It’s not new, necessarily, but it’s definitely FREE. You hear that? It’s FREE. Go get it already!

The Physics are, of course, one of the best crews in Seattle (or international) hip-hop. And they give away music like few others- the High Society EP, which you can still get online for free, is one of my favorite releases of the past few years and Three Piece, pictured and linked to above, is their newest digital and is actually hotter than it is outside, which defies physics as I understand them. (Har har har).

Fortunately, the Physics understand Physics and want you to be physically at their set on the Friday night of Block Party. Kapish?