Archive for October 28th, 2009



Meet us at the club. It’s going down.


And by club we mean the Old Rainer Cold Storage in Georgetown – 5840 Airport Way South. RSVP today, let’s do this!


The Washington Buzz – tomorrow night, bring yer ballot


This is a ballot and a party. Ours will be less neon/corny.

It’s a ballot party, people! Your favorite monthly happy hour, the Washington Buzz, now with voters guides and smart people (we thought we’d switch it up) to help you vote on all the issues of the day.

What do you need?
1) Your ballot
2) A beer (or three)
3) Your friends

And that’s it. That’s all. We’ll bring voters guides, pens, and even (get this) Bus stickers. Come through to Moe Bar (1425 10th Ave) from 6 to 8 pm tomorrow (Thursday) and make the magic happen! As always, our lovely monthly members get their first drink for free. If you’re a monthly member AND you come in costume, well, dang, we might just pick up your tab for the night.

Just sayin.