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All sorts of fun maneuvering in the Seattle mayoral election recently… Not only is James Donaldson shifting his aim from city council to mayor (you may know him as the former pro baller who runs Donaldson Fitness. Or you may know him as the ridiculously tall guy you see at civic events around town), but now another City Council member is poised to make his move.

J. Crew model and potential mayoral candidate Tim Burgess

J. Crew model and potential mayoral candidate Tim Burgess

Last Friday, Councilmember Tim Burgess created an exploratory committee (for real) for a potential run against Greg Nickels, confirming the speculation that’s been bouncing around since he hinted at his intentions outside of Nickels’ State of the City speech.

With developer Greg Smith recently dropping out of the race, the field of challengers is about as open as could be. The biggest question on some folks’ minds is whether any more sitting or former council members are going to throw their hats in the ring closer to the filing deadline.

And thanks to ECB at the Slog for catching the committee filing!

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