Archive for December 9th, 2009


Hella News Flash

Big up your newsy self. Big things, big things. Can you name all the song references? Answers below the jump.

  • Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes: Sam Reed, our erstwhile Secretary of State, has thoughts on electoral reform for this legislative session. The top two? Adjusting current law to require voters to have their ballots into their county elections offices BY election night, not just postmarked, and changing the crazy front-loaded presidential-primary system we’re currently working with. Interesting. We’ll be following these here bills.
  • Zombie: Like a bad penny who just won’t go away, Mr. Tim Eyman, fresh from having his tail handed to him with the No on I-1033 vote, is already gearing up for next year. This time around, Tim’s targeting some already-covered ground, seeking to extend the requirement that 2/3’s of the state legislature must vote to make any changes to tax levels. Sigh. There he goes again.
  • Cash Rules Everything Around Me: Well, once again the budget looks cruddier than something very very cruddy. How bad is it? Well, we’re looking at an approximately $2.7 billion deficit, which means we’re going to be stuck out in the woods of budget hell. It’s the big time. We have to figure out some alternative to all-cuts all the time.

Answers to the music quiz below!

Continue reading ‘Hella News Flash’


Orrin Hatch and… eight days of hanukkah?

Okay. Well, we have to watch this.

And to make sense of this insane world that we live in, the accompanying article, via Tablet Magazine. Money quote: “all it is is a hip hop hanukkah song by the senior senator from Utah, that’s all it is.”